The Five Things You Should Review and Discuss on an HSAT

Featuring Dr. Mark Murphy, our Executive Director

Monday Sept 23, 2024 | 7:00 pm ET


Why Join Our Webinar

HSATs (Home Sleep Apnea Tests) can be overwhelming when you try to read and explain them to patients. Although we cannot interpret or diagnose the patient from an HSAT, we can have a meaningful discussion with them about the results and how it can influence our treatment. Mark will highlight Five Things you could/should be reviewing with patients from the HSAT results.

These metrics can influence your success and failure in treating patients. He will help you understand why some patients do not respond to OAT and some even get worse.

What You Will Learn

An easy way to dissolve the complex report into usable data
A comfortable way to have these discussions with the treating physician
The Five Key observations you can discuss with patients to help them understand their  course of treatment
Why some patients are False Non Responders, Non Responders or Score worse with an OAT

Meet Dr. Mark Murphy

Presenting this live webinar is Dr. Mark Murphy, our Executive Director, who has over 40 years of experience in the dental field and has established himself as a leader in dental sleep medicine education.

You won’t want to miss this incredible opportunity to learn more about dental sleep medicine from one of the best in the industry!

Reserve Your Seat Now!

Submit the form below to not miss this chance to master the intricacies of HSATs and learn how to discuss results effectively with patients from industry leaders!
